Photos from Greenland
Prof. Dr. Kurt Varmuza

Cristals in ice, cristals in water and cristals in air - do you have such a feeling?

Prof. Dr. Kurt Varmuza in Greenland

Prof. Dr. Kurt Varmuza is one of the famous chemometricians in the World. He is professor in Vienna Technical University and is a good friend of Bulgaria. He has a collaboration with Molecular Spectroscopy Division of Analytical Chemistry Deprtment of University of Plovdiv, and as a result of this collaboration there appered 7 scientific papers. Prof. Varmuza has visited Bulgaria several times and given several lectures -- the last one was at 6th Chemical Conference of Chemical Faculty. His hobbies include astronomy: you can see here his magnificent photos of solar eclippses.
[click here to see the  photo of melting icberg in Greenland]

[ that is a translation of an article of 11th issue of Bulgarian Internet journal "Kosnos"]