Програмен език C++
(Поредица в списание"Коснос")
Процесор Аритметиков
1. Увод
2. Що е
това обект
3. Основните
типове данни
A. Термините
в C++, които се срещат в лекции 1 - 3
4. Вход и
5. Функции
на класа
B. Термините
в C++, които се срещат в лекции 4 и 5
6. Цикли
7. Операторите
в C++
8. Операторите
за управление
9. Операторите
за управление ІІ
9a. Два
примера за замяна на break и continue с други оператори
C. Термините
в C++, които се срещат в лекции 6, 7, 8 и 9
10. Пример
за клас, който преставя комплексните числа
11. Функции
с аргументи
12. Пример
за клас, който преставя часа и минутите
D. Термините
в C++, които се срещат в лекции 10, 11 и 12
13. Аритметика
за потребителски дефинираните типове
14. Връщане
на стойност от функциите
15. Масиви
16. Масивите
като променливи в класовете (Arrays as Instance Data)
E. Термините
в C++, които се срещат в лекции 13, 14, 15 и 16
17. Масиви
от обекти (Arrays of Objects)
18. Низове
19. Библиотечни
функции за стрингове
F. Термините
в C++, които се срещат в лекции 17, 18 и 19
20. Масиви
от стрингове (Arrays of Strings)
21. Структури
22. Изброен
тип и логически тип (enum and bool)
23. Отново
за функциите
24. За
функциите на класовете и малко повече
G. Термините
в C++, които се срещат в лекции 20, 21, 22, 23 и 24
25. Замяна
на функции или т.н. презаредени функции (Overloaded Functions)
26. Аргументи
по подразбиране (Default Arguments)
27. Запазване
на променливите (Storage Classes)
28. Статични
променливи на класа (Static Members)
29. Предаване
на аргументи по връзка (Reference Arguments)
30. Връщане
на стойност по връзка (Returning by Reference)
H. Термините
в C++, които се срещат в лекции 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 и 30
31. Конструктори
32. Аргументи
на конструктора (Constructor Arguments)
33. Едноаргументният
конструктор (The One-Argument Constructor)
34. Масивите
като променливи на класовете (Arrays as Instance Data)
35. Копиращите
конструктори (Copy Constructors)
36. Използване
на копиращите конструктори
37. Постоянни
обекти (const Objects)
I. Термините
в C++, които се срещат в лекции 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 и 37
38. Визуализиране
на конструкторите и деструкторите или за запазване на променливите
39. Презареждане
на бинарните аритметични оператори (Overloading Binary Arithmetic Operators)
40. Презареждане
на другите бинарни оператори
41. Презареждането
на унарните оператори (Overloading Unary Operators)
42. Превръщане
на обекти от потребителски класове в такива от предефинираните типове (Conversion
from Objects to Basic Types)
43. Превръщането
на обекти от различни класове един в друг (Conversions Between Classes)
44. Презареждане
на оператора за присвояване (Overloading the Assignment Operator, =)
45. Презареждане
на оператора за индекс (Overloading the Subscript Operator, [])
( вижте другите
учебни материали )
това е поредица от учебни материали по програмния език C++ от
списание “Коснос”
Programming language Програмен език C++ Програмен
език С++
Why Do We Need OOP Procedural Languages
Division into Functions Problems with Structured Programming The Object-Oriented
OOP: An Approach to Organization,
Not Details Features of Object-Oriented Languages States and Abilities
Classes Inheritance Reusability
Creating New Data Types Polymorphism and Overloading
C++ and C Inputting the Data Displaying
the Data
What Are the Objects? Syntax of
the Class Specification Variable Declarations
Functions Public and Private Basic
C++ Data Types Characters Assignment Operator Escape Sequences Integers
Unsigned Integers Floating Point Whitespace
Comments Introduction to Input/Output
Output to the Screen String Constants Formatting Output New Lines Not Automatic
Escape Sequences The endl Manipulator Input from the Keyboard Stream I/O
Old-Style C I/O Member Functions Initializing the Data Displaying Data
Arithmetic Operators Increment
and Decrement Operators Specifying a Class Creating and Interacting with
Objects Creating Objects from a Class Specification Sending Messages to
The IOSTREAM.H Header File Preprocessor
Directives Other Header Files
The main() Function Program Organization
Loops True and False Values Relational
Operators while Loops do Loops for Loops Nested Loops Logical Operators
Simple Decisions The if Statement
The if…else Statement Test Expression Nested if…else Statements Improving
the Hot Dog Program with if
Advanced Decisions The else if
Construction Fine-Tuning Loops The break Statement The continue Statement
The switch Statement Improving the Hot Dog Program with switch The Conditional
A class to Represent Time Values
Assignment Statements with Objects More Manipulators: Formatting Leading
Function Arguments Sending a Message
with an Argument
Writing the Member Function The
set() Member Function with Arguments Arguments of Any Type
Other Uses for Functions Passing
by Value
Arithmetic For User-defined Types
Access to Private Data Nonautomatic
Conversions Calling Each Other
Function Return Values The return
Statement Creating Automatic Variables The Stack Nameless Automatic Variables
Returning by Value
Library Functions
Array Fundamentals Defining an
Array Array Elements Accessing Array Elements Initializing Array Elements
Multidimensional Arrays Danger: Index Out of Range
Arrays as Instance Data
Library Function getche() The
Key Postfix Increment Operators
Arrays of Objects Defining an Array
of Objects New Syntax for Access
Strings String Variables String
Constants Improved String I/O Using const Variables Eating Extra Characters
String I/O External Variables
String Library Functions Library
Functions for Strings Finding String Lengths Copying Strings Appending
Strings Comparing Strings
Library Functions
Data Conversions Appending Assignment
Arrays of Strings Syntax of Arrays
of Strings Arrays of Empty Strings Arrays of Initialized Strings The stricmp()
Function Arithmetic Assignment Operators
Structures Specifying a Structure
Defining Structure Variables Accessing Structure Members Initializing Structure
Variables Structure Usage Structures versus Classes
enum and bool Enumerated Data Types
Specifying an Enumerated Type Creating and Using Enumerated Variables The
bool Keyword
Function Declaration Function Calls
Function Definitions Arguments Return Values Function Declarations Arguments
Functions Called from main()
Functions Called from Member Functions
Standalone Member Functions Inline
Functions Specifying an Inline Function When Should You Inline a Function?
Member Functions Defined Within a Class
Member Functions Defined Outside
a Class The Scope Resolution Operator Macros
Overloaded Functions Need for Function
Overloading How Does It Know? A Member Function Example
Default Arguments The cin.getline()
Function Storage Classes Declarations and Definitions Two Kinds of Declarations
Lifetime and Visibility Automatic Variables
Register Variables Blocks External
Variables External Variables and Multiple Files External Variables in the
Doghouse Local Static Variables The Storage Class Table Visiblity of Instance
Data Lifetime of Instance Data
Static Members Static Member Data
Creating Static Data Accessing Static Data Static Functions
Reference Arguments Passing by
Value Passing by Reference A Reference Is a Different Name Standalone References
Advantages of Passing by Reference
Returning by Reference Setting
an Object to a Value
Introducing Constructors Initialization
Creation od Objects Destructors Constructors and Destructors in Action
Same Name as the Class No Return Value
Initializing Variables Initialization
List Default Constructor
Constructor Arguments “Calling”
the Constructor A No-Argument Constructor
The One-Argument Constructor Conversions
Arrays as Instance Data Array Sized
with Constant Array Sized with External const Initializing Member Variables
Instance Data Initialization Initialization Is Not Assignment Arrays Sized
at Compile Time The enum Hack Static Constant Variables Initializing a
Member Array
Copy Constructors Copying Variables
Equivalent Syntax Copying Objects The Default Copy Constructor const for
Function Arguments
Passing by Reference Passing by
Value Argument Must Be Passed by Reference Argument Should Be const
Initialization List A Variation
on strcpy() Other Reasons for Using Copy Constructors Copy Constructor
Invoked in Pass by Value Passing by Value Creates a Copy Why the Copy Constructor
Must Use a Reference Argument Copy Constructor Invoked in Return by Value
const Objects const Functions
Visualizing Construction and Destruction
Variables in main() Passing by Value Local Variables
Overloading Binary Arithmetic Operators
Why Overload Operators You Could Do It with Functions You Can’t Overload
Everything The operatorX() Function Arguments Return Value Other Binary
Arithmetic Operators
Overloading Other Binary Operators
Relational Operators Passing the Argument by const Reference Assignment
Operators Avoiding Temporary Objects
Overloading Unary Operators Prefix
Version of Operator ++ Postfix Version of Operator ++ The Unary Minus Operator
Conversion from Objects to Basic
Types Type Casting: Conversion for Basic Types Conversion Function Invoked
Casting for Clarity A Static Constant
The static_cast Approach
Conversions Between Classes
Overloading the Assignment Operator
(=) Syntax of the Overloaded Assignment Operator A Simple Assignment Operator
Example An Assignment Operator That Allows Chaining
Overloading the [ ] Operator Access
with access() Function One Size Fits All Access with Overloaded [ ] Operator
Fine-Tuning Overloaded Operators
Constant Arguments Constant Functions Constant Overloaded Operators Adding
Constant airtime Objects Return Values Returns from Assignment Operators
The Amazing *this Object The += Operator Revisited The Increment Operator
Introduction to Inheritance Reusability
Rewriting Code Function Libraries Class Libraries Inheritance and Program
Design Composition: A “Has a” Relationship
Inheritance: A “Kind of” Relationship
Not Exactly a Family Tree Inheritance Syntax Inheriting Attributes Accessing
Base Class Data Calling a Base Class Function Function Overloading in Base
and Derived Classes
Class Hierarchy Abstract Classes
The Base Class Constructor The
protected Access Specifier Functions That Aren’t Inherited
Constructors and Inheritance The
Great Chain of Constructors When Are Derived Class Constructors Necessary?
No Arguments Arguments The Initializer
List Adding Functionality to the Derived Class Constructor
Access Control Access Review Keeping
Data Private A Stack Example Public and Private Inheritance The Compiler
and Public Inheritance Private Inheritance
The Compiler and Private Inheritance
Protected Inheritance
Grandparents Deriving foreman from
Composition A safearay Object in
a Stack Class
Multiple Inheritance Ambiguous
Subobjects Virtual Base Classes Composition to the Rescue
Addresses and Pointers Addresses
(Pointer Constants) The Address of Operator & Pointer Variables Pointers
to Basic Types Syntax Quibbles Pointers Must Have a Value Pointers to Objects
Accessing the Variable Pointed To Pointer to void
Pointers, Arrays, and Functions
Pointers and Arrays Array Elements and Pointer Notation Pointer Constants
and Pointer Variables Pointers and Functions Passing Simple Variables Passing
Arrays as Arguments
Pointers and Strings Pointers to
String Constants Strings as Function Arguments Copying a String Using Pointers
Library String Functions Arrays of Pointers to Strings Membership Access
Operator (->)
Memory Management with new and
delete The new Operator The delete Operator A String Class That Uses new
Creating Objects with new An Array
of Pointers to Objects
this and const The this Pointer
Accessing Member Data with this Using this for Returning Values Pointers
and the const Modifier const Variables Two Places for const Function Arguments
and const Returning const Values Returning *this by Reference
A Linked List Class A Chain of
Pointers Adding an Item to the List Displaying the List Contents Self-Containing
Classes Augmenting the linklist Program Containers
A Sorted Array Class Inserting
Objects in Sorted Order Searching for a Specific Element The Binary Search
Constructors Used to Initialize Array
Introduction to Virtual Functions
Polymorphism Normal Member Functions Accessed with Pointers Virtual Member
Functions Accessed with Pointers Late Binding Arrays of Pointers to Objects
Examples of Virtual Functions Virtual Functions Initializing the Array
Virtual Functions and Constructors
Decoupling with Polymorphism Passing
References Passing Pointers
Abstract Classes and Virtual Destructors
Abstract Classes Pure Virtual Functions Abstract Classes and Pure Virtual
Functions Pure Virtual Functions with Bodies
Virtual Destructors Is the Derived
Class Destructor Executed? When Do You Use Virtual Functions?
Runtime Type Identification
Friend Functions The “Left-Side”
Problem No Problem on the Right Not So Easy on the Left Friends to the
Rescue Friends for Functional Notation Friends as Bridges
Friend Classes Interclass Communication
Accessing Private Members in a Previously Defined Class Accessing Private
Members in a Not Yet Defined Class Pointers in Interclass Communication
Nested Classes and Static Member
Data Nested Classes Communication Between Nested Classes
Stream Classes Advantages of Streams
The Stream Class Hierarchy The ios Class Formatting Flags Manipulators
Functions The istream Class The ostream Class The iostream and the _withassign
Classes Predefined Stream Objects Stream Errors Error-Status Bits Inputting
Numbers Too Many Characters No-Input Input Inputting Strings and Characters
All-Character Input
Disk File I/O with Streams Formatted
File I/O Writing Data Reading Data Strings with Embedded Blanks Detecting
End-of-File Character I/O Direct Access to the streambuf Object Binary
I/O Object I/O Writing an Object to Disk Reading an Object from Disk Compatible
Data Structures I/O with Multiple Objects The stream Class The open() Function
The Mode Bits
File Errors and File Pointers Error
Handling in File I/O Reacting to Errors Analyzing Errors File Pointers
Specifying the Position Specifying the Offset The tellg() Function
File I/O Using Member Functions
Objects That Read and Write Themselves Classes That Read and Write Themselves
Static Functions Size of Derived Objects
Using the typeid() Function Code
Number for Object Type No Homemade Objects
Overloading the << and >>
Operators Overloading for cout and cin Overloading for Files Overloading
for Binary I/O
Memory as a Stream Object Fixed
Buffer Size The ostrstream Object Input Memory Streams Universality File
Pointers Dynamic Buffer Size
Printer Output and Other Refinements
Command-Line Arguments Printer Output Redirection Using the redir Program
Redirecting Output Redirecting Input Redirecting Input and Output Redirection
and the _withassign Classes
Function Templates A Simple Function
Template Function Template Syntax What the Compiler Does Function Templates
with Multiple Arguments Template Arguments Must Match More Than One Template
Argument Why Not Macros?
Class Templates Class Name Depends
on Context A Linked List Class Using Templates Storing User-Defined Data
Exceptions Why Do We Need Exceptions?
Exception Syntax Specifying the Exception Class Throwing an Exception The
try Block The Exception Handler (catch Block) The Sequence of Events
Multiple Exceptions Exceptions
with the Distance Class Exceptions with Arguments Specifying Data in an
Exception Class Initializing an Exception Object Extracting Data from the
Exception Object The xalloc Class Exception Notes Destructors Called Automatically
Termination Oriented Function Nesting Can’t Return to Throw Point
Explicit Casts, typedef, and the
Operator Explicit Casts Static Casts Dynamic Casts Const Casts Reinterpret
Casts The typedef Specifier Pointers and typedef Classes and typedef
More Portable Code Templates and typedef Overloading the Function Operator
The Standard string Class Header
Files Constructors and Operators Member Functions The insert(), remove(),
and replace() Member Functions The find() Member Function The find_first_of()
Member Function The substr() Member Function Passing string Objects as
Arguments The copy() Member Function
The c_str() Member Function Arrays
of string Objects The compare() Member Function Get Ready for the STL
Multifile Programs Reasons for
Multifile Programs Class Libraries Public Components Private Components
Organization and Conceptualization How to Create a Multifile Program Header
Files Directory Multiple Files Namespaces Declaring Namespaces Accessing
Elements from Another Namespace
A Very-Long-Numbers Example Numbers
as Strings The Class Specifier
Introduction to the STL Containers
Sequence Containers Associative Containers Member Functions Abstract Data
Types Algorithms Iterators Potential Problems with the STL
Algorithms The find() Algorithm
Header Files Ranges The count() Algorithm The sort() Algorithm The search()
Algorithm The merge() Algorithm Function Objects User-Written Functions
in Place of Function Objects Boolean Type Adding _if to Algorithms The
for_each() Algorithm The transform() Algorithm
Sequential Containers Vectors Member
Functions push_back(), size(), and Operator [ ] Member Functions swap(),
empty() back(), and pop_back() Member Functions insert() and erase() Lists
Member Functions push_front(), front(), and pop_front Member Functions
reverse(), merge(), and unique() Deques
Iterators as Smart Pointers Ordinary
Pointers Underpowered Iterators as an Interface Matching Algorithms with
Containers Plugging the Cable into a Container
Plugging the Cables into the Algorithm
Overlapping Member Functions and Algorithms Iterators at Work Data Access
Data Insertion Algorithms and Iterators Specialized Iterators Iterator
Adapters Reverse Iterators Insert Iterators Stream Iterators The ostream_iterator
Class The istream_iterator Class Associative Containers Sets and Multisets
Maps and Multimaps Iterating Through Maps Pairs The [ ] Operator Hash Table
Versions Storing User-Defined Objects A Set of person Objects Necessary
Member Functions Ordering Just Like Basic Types
Function Objects Predefined Function
Objects Writing Your Own Function Objects Different Criteria for Sorting
Binding: Providing Values to Function Objects